【中古:状態A】ジョン・ガスタフェロー セカンドストームvol.2
【中古:状態A】ジョン・ガスタフェロー セカンドストームvol.2
East Meets West - A half-dollar and Chinese coin repeatedly travel and change places in this multi-phase coin routine.
Optical Opener - The spectator finds the only printed card in a completely blank deck. But just like an optical illusion, things aren't always what they seem.
Here, There, Everywhere - The spectator's card is seen in several places at the same time, finally appearing in a mysterious location.
Collectors With A Twist - The spectator slowly cuts the four Aces into the deck. First they turn face-up, then they capture three selected cards. A great twist on a classic effect.
Constellation - The spectator marks dots on your business card, which VISUALLY reposition themselves to reveal a selected card. A wonderful close-up illusion.
The Masterpiece - The magician tells a story about four artists and a blank canvas in this imaginative packet effect, which utilizes Peter Eggink's "Ace Oddity" card.
Googly Eyes - The spectator finds her card by doing a Google search with the deck. A novel spelling effect with a surprise kicker.
Turning The Tables - The spectator plays the role of magician and finds the four Jacks without a clue how it was done! This novel presentation builds to a spectacular finish.
Ultimate Fate II - In this extension of Aldo Colombini's "Contact Colors," the spectator plays the lottery by placing her dollar in the deck. Her luck keeps on riding to a million-dollar ending!
BRAINSTORM BREAKS Bonus ideas and effects
Cookie's Fortune - Learn John's clever method for pre-loading a bill in a fortune cookie.
Matchbook Transpo - A quick in-the-hands transposition.
Fortune Flash - A clever way to turn flash paper into a logical and visually-interesting prop.
Running Time Approximately 1hr 50min
【製造】L&L Publishing
